Aug 18, 2008

開始 New start

時間像是不會斷的河水, 流啊流...
該如何劃清界線, 向過去說再見
在記憶的儲藏室中, 畫出一道線
Time is a river, running without stop
How to draw a line in time to say good-bye to the past
I draw a line in the storage room of my memories
Stop searching in the old suitcase carrying laughs and tears
Lock it up
Turn around
Step out
Let's have a new start!!!

酸與甜 Sweet and sour

那天和一個剛信主的朋友聊天, 他說到生命就是一段和上帝相交的時光. 他的話不禁點醒了我, 在我的生命中, 這段與神交往的時光, 有多少是在與祂賭氣, 與祂爭鬧, 又有多少時光是真正愛祂, 與祂交心的呢?
The other day, I had a chat with a friend who just accepted Jesus as his Lord. He mentioned that life is the time to have relationship with God. What he said made me glimpse something: how much of my life that I spend on arguing or wrestling with God and how much of my life that I love Him truly and worship Him?