Jun 18, 2008


前兩天搭捷運時, 在車廂中看到一張立貼, 上面寫著: "讓陽光照進車廂. 對你身邊的來個微笑吧."
看了, 嘴角不禁微笑了起來, 在這冷冷的空氣中, 灰灰的車廂裡, 臉上的微笑就像是溫暖的太陽花...
Couple of days ago, I saw a note sticked on the glass of London underground. It was saying: make the sun shine on the underground; smile to the person you see next you."
Reading it, I can't hold my smile. In the chilly air, gray cart, the smile on our faces is the warmest sunflower...

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