Oct 17, 2008

月亮 Moon

路的兩旁是一片片的樹林, 總以為在樹林的背後, 會看到海, 聽到濤聲, 但沒有.
樹的頂端掛著濛濛的月亮, 總以為在月亮的底下, 會看到倒影, 隨浪漂盪, 但沒有.
在心裡的底層, 有個夢, 總以為不斷的往下挖, 會遇見我的夢, 那多采的夢, 但, 還沒有...
Car runs so fast on the high way,
Both sides of the road are trees after trees; I thought I will see the sea and hear the sound of the waves behind the trees. But, no.
The moon is hanging on top of the tree; I thought I will see the shadow flowing on the sea beneath the moon. But, no.
The bottom of my heart buries a dream; I thought I will meet my dream, the sweetest dream, if I keep digging down to it. But, not yet....

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