Jan 7, 2008

Faith like potatoes

連結聖誕節的時候,看了一部電影 “Faith like potatoes".很棒!!!男主角的信心,隨著馬鈴薯的種子被埋進了黑黑的土裡.因他的堅持,他看見了奇蹟.喜歡他說的一句話"一顆偉大神蹟的種子,不是種在困難的事情上,而是種在不可能的事情上".是的,當我面對不可能事情的時候,我相信奇蹟會發生嗎?或是任由這些不可能壓過我呢?我是否真的可以抓住上帝的話及祂的屬性,而相信且等待奇蹟會來到呢?


During Christmas time, I watched a movie called "Faith like potatoes". It's a great movie!! The faith of the main character was buried in the dark soil along with the seed of potato. He saw the miracle because of his faith. I like the word he said "the seed of a great miracle lies not in difficulty but impossibility". Do I believe the miracle will happen when I face the impossible thing? Or I just let the impossibility overcome me?! Can I really hold on God's promise and who He is, believe that the miracle will come and wait till it comes?

The movie website1:
The movie website2:

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